Tax Preparation Services

Northbrook income tax preparation

For small businesses and even individuals, trying to do your taxes on your own will often end up wasting money instead of saving it. An inexperienced tax preparer can easily miss valuable deductions and make other costly mistakes that result in paying higher taxes and even penalties. Don’t take risks with your taxes, go to Robert H. Lewin, Ltd for trusted tax preparation services in the Northbrook, IL area. We have a reputation for quality tax preparation at affordable rates for small businesses and individual taxpayers.

Our tax and accounting firm offers smart tax management for a wide variety of small businesses including sole proprietorships, S Corps, C Corps, and LLCs. We’ll do more than help your business meet compliance requirements; we’ll work hard to find real tax savings you can bring to the bank. As your tax preparer, we’ll make sure you get every tax deduction and credit you deserve so your business retains higher revenues and maximizes profitability. Unlike online tax software, a real person who cares about controlling your tax burden will review your tax documents and make sure you only pay what you legally owe.

Northbrook, IL Tax Returns

Don’t sweat tax season! When we prepare your tax return you can be confident that and your taxes will be prepared accurately and filed on time, every time. Call us now at 847-982-1040 or request your free consultation online to get started.

  • Business tax preparation
  • Multi-state tax filings
  • Personal income tax returns
  • Trust and estate tax returns
  • Quicker tax refunds with e-file